Water Walk


We are water, rivers, ocean. Bodies of water worldwide depend on our behaviour for their health, and we humans depend on them for our well-being and survival.

The WE ARE OCEAN – Water Walk gathers people from all over the globe to jointly walk towards rivers, lakes, seas, glaciers, or even at home (confined due to a global pandemic) around a creatively staged body of water.

For Sunday the 8th of November, we invite you to join us on this water walk. You can choose the location, hour and duration of your walk, it can be minutes, hours or days. It can be a walk of music, of silence, of workout, of meditation of poetry and more.

This is the first walk of many which we will undertake until COP26 in 2021 and further. We want to create a civil movement accompanying the UN Decade for Ocean Science and Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Come on board as individuals, groups of friends, colleagues, families, organisations, neighbours, couples. You can just walk or create a sociable, educative or creative event out of it.

In the coming weeks, we (ArteSumaPaz, ARTPORT_making waves, Ayer Ayer, Imago Bubo, Invisible Flock and Knockvologan Studies) will develop ideas to connect all the walks and all the water into one huge collective art work which we hope to present during the COP26. To make this happen we ask you to film your body of water for about one minute. You can then share your video with us. Here are some ideas to help you take action: 

1. Turn your phone or camera to the landscape position 

2. Press to record as you walk toward a body of water. Here you have some suggestions: 

- You can point your camera down on your feet as you start walking and slowly pan up to show the body of water and its surroundings. 

- Bring your camera close to the water and show us the state of the water, its colour, living organisms. 

- Record the area surrounding the body of water; the banks, shore, pathways, flora and fauna, ocean trash, pollution. 

- You are welcome to talk, sing, dance or simply keep silent through the recording.

3. IMPORTANT: We would like everything to be captured in a single video so do a continuous recording.

4. After the recording is done send the video to us with these details: Name, Location of recording, Country/State/Province/City, and any other details you would like to share.

5. Send the video of approximately 1 minute to weareocean.waterwalk@gmail.com

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